It's easy to become overwhelmed by too much of a good thing.
As a voice actor, there is no shortage of available information to access, ranging from just starting out in the business, to how to market for someone who has been at this for a decade or more. And everything in between. It seems as if many people consider themselves experts! Or at least have found something that has worked for them and are happy to share. All well and good, but as one colleague recently commented to me, “It’s like trying to take a drink from a fire hose." As good intentioned as the information is, sometimes it’s just too much to take in on a daily or even weekly or monthly basis.

SO many options...
I recently realized that I have monthly subscriptions to five different educational groups related to voice acting. All of them have a slightly different slant. All focus on providing outstanding webinars and classes. Each one is facilitated by a group of talented and caring people that also includes an established community made up of like-minded, life-long learners. We are all eager to learn the next-new-thing, shortcut or tried-and-true formula. The issue is, there is never a one-size-fits-all solution. Don't get me wrong... I love options! But for me, that can be a challenge.
Sometimes less is more.
I have often said that I am not just a voice acting student, but that I am a ‘student of voice acting’. I dearly love learning about this chosen profession of mine. And voice actors are very supportive of each other and are very willing to share what has worked for them. I just find it hard sometimes to not get distracted on what it is that I really want to learn about, experience and explore. I’m thinking that I will drop out of at least one or two of groups I am in over the coming months. Then, instead of spending time trying to decide which webinars or classes sound like the most fun or are currently the most popular, I can be thinking about what education will be the most beneficial to my own journey.
It will vastly cut down on the possible choices!