Being busy does not always translate into getting a job done.
On a walk through a public garden on a busy, crowded Friday afternoon recently, my attention was drawn to a section that contained beds with rows and rows of tall, brightly colored yellow blooms. Many of the spring colored plants in their glorious pinks, purples and reds had already come and gone. These yellow flowers signaled to me that late summer and early fall were already on their way in.
As I got up close to one of the blooms to snap a picture, I noticed a bee hovering around the one that was perfectly facing towards me. I stepped back to wait him out so as to not bother him (or get stung), until I realized that he had no intention of leaving anytime soon. He was going about his business, totally oblivious to me and my photo-taking desire or the other people in the garden. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it! I decided to hold my breath and quickly lean in to snap of picture of this busy little fella.

Working from home
Looking at the image later at home, the phrase 'busy as a bee' came to mind and I thought about what I could learn from this brief encounter with a bee. As a solopreneur, working from home, I can find it all too easy to get off track and become distracted by my surroundings. Notifications pop-up on my computer screen or on my phone, there are notes laying on my desk that my eyes go to, I have a nagging feeling that right now would be the perfect time to throw a load of laundry in the wash, or I hear neighbors talking outside, directly under my window, and I want to go join in on the conversation.
Focus on business
Sometimes I feel like I'm so busy with my work, but am I really focused on getting the job done of accomplishing goals that I have set out for myself? Am I moving forward and really making tangible progress, or am I just staying busy? Bees are busy but they also have a goal. Collect that pollen and nectar so we can get some honey made!
I need to remind myself that just being busy for the sake of busy-ness is not the best way to reach my goals. I think for me, working on one goal at a time will allow me to see some real progress in areas such as social media and direct marketing. Things that are too easy for me to put on the back burner but I know are vital to the life of a solopreneur these days.