Hmmm…2020. What can I say about this past year? In retrospect it seems like life hasn’t been ‘normal’ for about forever, but on the other hand, when I think of things that happened before we all went into quarantine, it feels like ‘normal’ was about a month ago. I think that’s because in a usual year, we have events and experiences that would fill up the months.
But I’m really not complaining. Good things have come out of the past year.
I finally figured out how to teach piano online. Not the same as being in person, but at least I still get to connect with my students every week. Co-produced an online fundraiser for the children’s theater, including celebrity interviews that quite possibly will morph into a podcast. I put my sewing machine to good use making cloth face masks for various organizations, but mostly for Packard Children’s Hospital. Since I can’t volunteer in person right now, it’s nice to be able to help from home.
Life continues to roll on, pandemic or not. Missing so much in life that had been taken for granted, but also enjoying some of the things that we don’t take time to really savor when we are all so busy. Grateful for family, friends, walks by the water, country garden estates, hummingbirds, zoom, anything Disney and that the sun continues to rise each morning.
