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Jul 11, 2023
A Rose By Any Other Name
In voice acting, the job is more important than the title. In fact, changing it up now and then can actually be beneficial.

Jun 20, 2023
Let's All Join Hands
If there is one thing that I learned from going through the pandemic, it's how much I need and value my connections with others.

Jun 6, 2023
It's Time To Shine
Casting for stage or voiceover is as important as the roles themselves in any creative endeavor.

May 30, 2023
Call Me!
Connecting by phone can save time & energy, and encourages human-to-human connections.

Apr 4, 2023
Information Overload
It's easy to become overwhelmed by too much of a good thing. As a voice actor, there is no shortage of available information to access,...
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